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Worry Less About WHAT and More About HOW

Worry Less About WHAT and More About HOW

Worry less about what you are doing and more about how you are doing it. WHAT is functional. HOW is aspirational.

I find that many of my choir students are focused on aspects of music that are limiting. For example, they want to sing all the words and notes correctly. That’s a worthy goal, but hardly the end goal of a musician. There are aspects to singing such as dynamics, phrase shape, diction, tuning, blend, and balance that must also be addressed. This is what I mean when I say worry about HOW you are doing it. For example, if you are worrying about singing in tune, singing correct notes is assumed. You have now raised your standards and your awareness at the same time.

When singers are focused on the HOW, they are focused on higher-level concepts and also on technique. If singers understand HOW they are singing, then even if they make a mistake, changing WHAT they are singing should be simple.

Choir Bites Interactive Slides can enhance online/hybrid lesson plans or be used as supplemental assignments. Your singers’ awareness will rise as they engage with these simple, “sticky” concepts! Click here to learn more! 

When singers are focused on the HOW, there is a built-in care, a level of attention beyond the “check-list” attitude that says “Why are we still working on this? I sang all these words and notes. I did it.” The HOW is what drives all the pertinent questions: How loud is this? When do I breathe? What part of the chord am I on? What articulation is desired? How must I prepare my body to support this tessitura? These questions are aimed at determining how to achieve the ultimate musical goal.

When directors constantly message the HOW, they are messaging that there is a great, wide, musical world beyond the WHAT. The WHAT is the blueprint that gives the choir direction. The HOW is the reason notes on the page are turned into music. WHAT is functional. HOW is aspirational.

Loud vs. Soft: Same Space - Different Impact

Loud vs. Soft: Same Space - Different Impact

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Better Tools Make the Job Easier