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Slack Is Slick

Slack Is Slick


I promote SLACK a lot. I mean a LOT. I love it so much. What is it? It’s a fantastic group communication tool. It’s like a group chat on steroids, with great file management, direct messaging, channels that keep discussions on topic, and more. I’ve used a lot of different tools over the years, including Google Classroom, Remind, GroupMe, e-mail, and more. Slack beats them all.

If you’re someone who just likes to poke around and figure things out for themselves, just go over to

Choir Bites Interactive Slides can enhance online/hybrid lesson plans or be used as supplemental assignments. Your singers’ awareness will rise as they engage with these simple, “sticky” concepts! Click here to learn more! 

If you want just a small overview, check out this video from Slack:

If you want to watch me walk through Slack and discuss how I use it for my performing groups and choir boosters, check out this video I made. It’s my first try, and there’s some rough edges, but it does do the job (so be gentle with me):

Raise the Bar

Raise the Bar

Sing In the Present - Look to the Future

Sing In the Present - Look to the Future